Savoy’s Edmonton

With an enviable culinary heritage dating back to more than seven decades the Savoy’s Kitchen has set new benchmarks in the restaurant industry. The flagship Savoy’s Kitchen restaurant is a true icon of Calicut and the Savoy’s Kitchen restaurant in Edmonton is one of the most popular restaurants in the Canada. After initially offering a fusion of the Malabar region’s Moplah and Thiyya Cuisines, the master chefs at Savoy’s Kitchen have ceaselessly innovated to transform the cuisine over the years. The restaurants reflect the influences from different parts of the world while retaining their traditional roots. They today enjoy cult status in Calicut and Edmonton, becoming a part of countless stories, memories and celebrations among our legion of patrons.

To enjoy the magic of Savoy’s please use the link below

Savoy’s – Best South Indian Restaurant in Edmonton Calgary Alberta Canada

Savoy’s Edmonton

9-9261 34 AVE NW, EDMONTON, AB T6E 5T5
Call Us: 780-989-9797

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