Pope Francis to visit Edmonton in July

Pope Francis will visit Edmonton this July as part of a six-day visit to Canada that will also see him visit two other cities as well as sites of former residential schools, according to the Vatican.

It says the Pope will visit Edmonton, along with Quebec City and Iqaluit, on his trip from July 24 to 29.

Calling it “wonderful news” Edmonton Archbishop Richard Smith said he expects the pontiff to use the visit to connect with the city’s Indigenous community and repeat the apology he delivered in April for the Catholic Church’s role in Canada’s residential school system.

“The Pope is here for the Indigenous people. He’s made that very clear,” he said.

“We’re aware that no single step can eliminate the pain felt by residential school survivors for the victims of generational trauma stemming from residential schools. But we do pray that this papal visit will help to bring about greater healing for the victims and their families.”

An estimated 150,000 Indigenous children were forced to attend residential schools and more than 60 per cent of the schools were run by the Catholic Church.

Trip limits

Details of when the Pope will visit each city and what stops he will make are still being determined.

Smith said he expects the itinerary will be finalized in mid-June and will focus on a theme of reconciliation, including a visit to the site of a former residential school.

“It is clearly a priority for all of us that whatever takes place in whatever venue will feature as a priority, as a first concern, Indigenous culture, spirituality and Indigenous ways.”

News credits Edmonton Journal


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